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- Class capacity will be limited to 8 students
- Parents will not be allowed inside of the Dance Studio.
- The lobby is closed. Parents must wait in their car or outside of the building.
- Dancers cannot be dropped off earlier than their class time.
- Dancers may come dressed in their dance attire under another piece of clothing.
- Students can only wear dance attire and dance shoes inside of the studio
- No outside clothes or shoes will be allowed.
- A temperature check will also be conducted before entering each class.
- All dancers MUST wear a face mask. We do recommend bringing in an extra mask if possible.
- Water fountain usage is prohibited. Bring a water bottle to class.
- Late dancers will not be admitted into class.
- Studio space will be completely closed once class starts.
- All students will wash hands or utilize hand sanitizer prior to the start of class.
- Students may not attend classes with signs or symptoms of illness including but not limited to fever, chills, cough or sore throat.
- Student must be free of fever for 72 hours prior to being allowed to return to class
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