6PDC Studio Schedule 2024 - 2025
Dance Season
Children classes are structured by age and dance type
Events for January

Ballet/Jazz Combo Int. (7yrs-9yrs)

Tap (6yrs & up)
Events for January

Ballet/Jazz (5yrs-6yrs)

Modern Ballet/Jazz (8yrs-11yrs)
Events for January

Ballet/Jazz Combo Int. (7yrs-9yrs)

Tap (6yrs & up)
Events for January

Ballet/Jazz (5yrs-6yrs)

Modern Ballet/Jazz (8yrs-11yrs)
Events for February
Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February
Events for February
Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February
Events for February
Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February
Events for February
Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February

Events for February
Tuition Payment/Fees
Classes will begin on Monday, August 19th
The deadline for class changes, including drops, is November 1st. To make a change, please contact Ms. Deyon. Schedule changes or dropping a class CANNOT be done through your online account. All class changes or drops must be done by the office staff, no later than November 1st. Any other general questions or concerns may be addressed with Ms. Deyon.
1.) ANNUAL FALL REGISTRATION FEE: An annual non-refundable fall registration fee of $50 per dancer is due at the time of registration and should be paid online.. Registration includes Class Attire (Leotard/Tights) Does not include class shoes (Ballet or Tap)
2.) TUITION PAYMENT: Class tuition is paid through auto debit between the 1st and 5th of every month. Registration must be completed between the 1st and 5th of the month for a timely auto draft.
3.) RECITAL COSTUMES & TICKETS: Recital Fee: $50 (due November 11th) Recital Costume Fee: $100 (due January 13th) Recital Ticket Cost: $12
4.) WITHDRAWALS: Registering for our 2024-2025 Dance Season, is a 9 MONTH COMMITMENT! You are expected to pay for nine months of tuition whether you attend class or not. If you are new to dance, you have until November to decide to discontinue without penalty. If you must withdraw, a written notice must be given to our office manager 30 days prior to the withdrawal from dance class. If a withdrawal is made after recital costumes and fees have been charged, there WILL BE NO REFUND. The only exception to this policy is if a family has to move during the course of the school year or there is an unexpected family emergency. Choosing to drop dance mid year is not acceptable.
5.) DRESS CODE: Dancers must be dressed appropriately to participate in class and have hair pulled back if it’s longer than chin length. The instructors reserve the right to ask your dancer to sit out if not dressed in proper dance attire or if they do not have the appropriate dance shoes. Jeans and school clothes are NOT considered appropriate dance attire. Dancers should wear class leotard and tights. Proper dress INCLUDING THE PROPER STYLE OF SHOES for the class helps instructors maximize instruction.
6.) STUDIO ETIQUETTE: No street shoes, food or gum are allowed inside the dance studio. Water bottles are acceptable to bring to class. Please be respectful of all 6PDC furniture and property, the studio is not a playground. It is ok to bring food or snacks into the lobby, please be sure to clean up after yourself!
7.) ATTENDANCE: Being a dancer at 6PDC entails a 9 month commitment. Having good attendance is important to the progression of the dancer, as each week skills are taught that build on the previous week’s skills. Dancers with poor attendance slow the advancement of the class and inhibit personal growth. During recital time, if the dancer has missed too many classes and doesn’t know the choreography, the instructor holds the right to pull the dancer from that dance.
8.) MISSED CLASSES: There are no refunds for missed classes. Make-up classes are available as an option, but are not required. IF YOUR DANCER MUST MISS A CLASS, PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND CALL OR EMAIL THE STUDIO. Regular attendance is essential to ensure the personal growth of your dancer and the progression of the class.
9.) INJURIES: If your dancer is injured, they are still expected to attend class to observe. Please bring a doctors note confirming the injury. No tuition will be reimbursed due to an injury.
10.) CELL PHONES: Cell phones are not allowed in dance class. They may be brought to the studio to contact parents and should be kept in the lobby. Phones will be confiscated and parents called with any inappropriate usage of phones.
11.) BAD WEATHER: 6PDC’s bad weather cancellation policy is NOT determined by the surrounding school districts. Weather conditions change or improve rapidly. A text message/email notification will be sent to you as soon as cancellation has been made. We try to make weather related cancellation decision by 2:00 pm of that day.
12.) BREAKS AND HOLIDAYS: The studio will have a Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break and Spring break. Dance will be held on most school vacation days…
- Winter Showcase December (date TBD) at The Children’s Museum
- “The Wiz of OZ” Spring Recital May (date TBD)
Special Events
- Kids Night Out (Selected Fridays) 6pm-10pm
- Shop & Drop (Selected Saturdays during the holiday season) 11am-4pm
- Holiday Party
- Winter Camp
- Summer Camp
6PDC Parent Committee
We need Your help! If you are interested in being a part of this committee please contact Ms. Deyon at 713-480-7262.
Studio Contact Information
Studio Phone: 281-736-7602
Studio Email: ddeyon@6thposition.com
Studio Address: 6th Position Dance Studio, 10371 Stella Link Houston, TX 77025
6PDC 2024-2025 Important Dates
August 19th | Fall Classes Begin |
September 2nd | Labor Day (Closed) |
November 11th | Recital Fee Due |
November 25th – 29th | Columbus Day (Studio Open) |
November 13th | Recital Fee Due |
November 22nd – 24th | Thanksgiving Holiday (Studio Closed) |
December 23rd – January 3rd | Winter Break (No Studio Classes) |
December 26th – December 27th | Winter Camp Part 1 |
December 30th – January 3rd | Winter Camp Part 2 |
January 6th | Classes Resume |
January 20th | MLK Day (Studio Closed) |
January 13th -17th | Recital Costume Fee Due |
February 17th | President’s Day (Studio Open) |
March 10th – 14th | Spring Break (Studio Closed) |
March 17th | Classes Resume |
May 17th | Recital Portraits (TBA) |
May 18th | Spring Recital (Tentative) |
June 2nd -July 25th | Summer Camp 2025 |
July 28th-August 1st | GLAM CAMP |